Investment loans
Subject of funding - the subject of funding in case of investment loans may include any fixed assets used for production, trade, services, agriculture, etc., including but not limited to real estate, machinery, equipment, vehicles, agricultural machinery and tools. No funding shall be provided for investments involving the purchase of chattels and properties for consumer needs and residential purposes.
Maximum funding - up to 400 000 BGN.
Own contribution - at least 10% of the investment project approved by BDB Microfinancing, excluding VAT. VAT due on the investment project shall be paid by the borrower.
Repayment period - from 12 to 120 months
Grace period on the principal - up to 12 months
Types of collateral - pledge of movable property (machinery and plant, equipment, vehicles, materials, etc.), real estate mortgage, pledge of receivables, guarantee by third solvent parties, promissory notes, bank guarantees, pledges of a going concern, cash collateral, pledge of securities, other eligible collateral under the applicable legislation.
Criteria for preliminary selection of applicants for funding:
- To have a viable business idea the implementation of which could lead to the creation of new jobs;
- To operate in the field of production, trade, services and/ or agriculture;
- To enjoy a good reputation among the local community, and to be creditworthy parties;
- To be (re)registered in the Trade Registry with the Registry Agency /if applicable/;
- To provide financial resources for their own participation in the investment.